That's what he would like us to believe.  Personsally, I don't believe it.

If mail theft is such a problem for him, why hasn't he accepted one of the many offers from potential QSL managers?

If you need a V5 confirmation, wait for a DXpedition rather than throwing money away QSLing V51AS.
Barry, W2UP

Frank is a very good QSLer - however he has a problem with mail theft. Don't make your envelope look anything like ham radio, so don't mention callsigns, fold any dollar bills in black paper etc. Even better send recorded. Regards Dave G0OIL

*/Richard Diddams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:

    Does V51AS respond to QSL cards?  I noticed he has had over 67,000
    hits on QRZ.COM.
I've worked him on a couple of bands and sent registered mailed
    (with green stamps) and no response.  Does he have a mail problem
    and it doesn't get to him?
Anyone else having difficulty receiving QSLs from V51AS? 73, Dick - W7QHE


Barry Kutner, W2UP Newtown, PA

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