At 10:07 PM 06/09/2007, Charles Harpole wrote:
See the DX-News archives - QSOs were uploaded for Donors only.

73 - Jim AD1C
Boy oh boy.... I got roasted when a friend posted for me a message that implied I needed cash for a 9N confirmation (not true)..... and now this (see above).

Ham radio gotta come to terms with the cash side of DXing.... Yes, absolutely DXpeditions are for the wealthy (with time to spare, too), but the costs are very real regardless of resources.

Issues that need careful thought :

-real value prizes for ham contacts (or birthday celebrations or whatever).
-donations that are really purchases.
-contests that award with real value items.
-cash for QSLs.
-cash for LoTW.

Well, in this instance this isn't cash for QSLs or LoTW. It's a nice gesture of thanks for those who donated ahead of time (they get their LoTW hits a few weeks before the cards come out). I got no problem with that, though I do wish I'd known this would have been the case ahead of time. I held off and sent a modest donation along with my card. From what the announcement said, after the bulk of the paper QSLs are mailed out, everything will get uploaded to Logbook.

I have no problem with any operation doing a nice favour like this for those who were able to help them out before departure, just so long as the integrity of the log is never compromised and any requested QSL for a legitimate contact is sent.

As it turned out this time, I couldn't afford to send a donation before they went (I was waiting for Uncle Sam to come through with our refund) so I just have to wait a few more weeks for the paper - and the electrons - to arrive. I have the satisfaction of knowing I did, ultimately, help this operation financially once I was able to do so, and I know from the online logs that my QSOs are all valid, so no biggie.

Yes, there are more than a few "hams" out there who sell QSL cards or worse, collect green stamps, but that's a horse of a different colour, and my contempt for those individuals is well documented elsewhere.



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