I've heard those stories too.

Anytime I've tried to track them down, you find out the little details that
got left out of the telling... like someone who returned radios 3 or 4 times
within the 30 day trial period for each (try doing THAT with the Big Guys),
or "bought" them for use on mini DXpeditions, rode them hard, and then
returned the rig for a full refund claming it wouldn't perform, or trashing
a radio on an eHam forum before the radio was actually sold to anyone... fun
things like that.

I really don't think Ten Tec would refuse to do further business with
Charles because he had a bad time with the Service Manager on a repair issue
and got mad about it.  That's just not in the same category.

And I really have to wonder about "orphans in the storm" comments.  My
Corsair II is over 20 years old, but if I need parts, if they have them, I
can get them.  (Some parts just aren't available anymore, as any Argosy
owner looking for finals has found out the last few years).  I've heard of
the factory fixing rigs even much older.  Kenwood?  I made an inquiry about
the chip needed to let the RS-232C board upgrade work in my TS-140S... the
tech I talked to laughed, told me the chip was forever out of stock, and the
rig is so old that if the CPU ever dies, trash it or sell it as a parts rig,
they not only won't fix it -- they won't even look at it.  Nice.  (And do I
blame Kenwood for the tech being a jerk?  No.)


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Peter
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2007 10:40 AM
To: dx-chat@njdxa.org
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] a little more on Ten Tec woes

At 08:26 AM 10/25/2007, Charles Harpole wrote:

>Ron's suggestion confirms my assertion that Ten Tec has a customer
>service problem.... radios that are orphans in the storm.  I hope my
>message is a wake up call to a company whose products I admire and
>mostly proudly own.
>Three strikes...... ur out in the old ball game....  73

I think you may have just bought your last new piece of T-T gear,
whether you meant to or not. I've heard a few stories out there how
T-T "fires" customers who slag them publicly by refusing to sell them
anything new. Personally, I own one piece of T-T gear (a 238 tuner).
It's OK, I suppose, but there are better out there and for less
money. I'd briefly considered an Orion-2 but I think next year I'm
going to pick up either a Flexradio or a K3 to replace my
much-despised-and-frequently-deaf Mark-V.



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