I just don't understand the fuss being made over 3B6RF...
Everyone is complaining complaning...
My station rundown is : Kenwood TS850S 120w and 5el yagi 10-15-20m and inv
vee's for 40 and 80m

I worked these guys already on 10m SSB+CW...15m SSB+CW..20m CW and 40m CW, I
guess the time
I spend doing this was less then 1 hour...but my question to you is HOW DO

Lets say 3B6RF is on 21295..working split 21300-21310, this is what I do
first : LISTEN LISTEN how does the OP
work his pileup..what is his/her way of dealing with the pileup...Does he
start on 21300 and work up or 21310 and work dwn
does he operate between the freq (meaning 21300.5..301.5..302.5..303.5) and
after a couple of minutes just listening
I fire the rig up and start calling !
Of course if he calls by callarea well I just wait my turn, and usually go
down stairs and watch TV or play with the kids,
and hope by the time I go back up stairs he will be calling 4's...
1988 I started by ham life and ONLY 1 pileup I couldn't break "AH1A" all the
others are in my log, I'm not saying it's easy
all the time but one must be patient, and if it gets to much for you..walk
the dog or do something else that will calm you..

I just hope one thing that the 3B6 OP'S don't read the comments that some
are putting on the air, because think these guys and gals put up some money
and spare time to put a NEW ONE for most of you on the air !


----- Original Message -----
From: "Maciej Muszalski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 2:42 PM
Subject: [DXR] any idea on how to work 3b6rf?

> Hi Guys... for last few days i've tried to work the 3b6rf station
> on 17/15/12/10m
> sometimes i spent 6h by the trx .. and nothing...
> does anyone has any idea how to work that station... except of using
> some 1kW amps.
> i even thought that my ants are off the roof... but they still are ther
> the way they always been.
> to be honest it's the first time i have a problem like that to work a
> DX.
> today i tried since 10:30 am till abt 14:45 pm on 12m CW
> 73 .. im off to work...
> --
> 73 de
> Maciej "Miles" Muszalski
> http://prioris.im.pw.edu.pl/~elmer/muszal/muszal.html
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