On Tue, 08 May 2001 Maciej Muszalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi Guys... for last few days i've tried to work the 3b6rf station
> on 17/15/12/10m sometimes i spent 6h by the trx .. and nothing...
> does anyone has any idea how to work that station... except of using
> some 1kW amps.

Yep, go watch TV and wait for the pileups to thin out.
You should be able to work them QRP after a week.

FWIW, the CW pileups seem a little less intimidating
but it is frustrating that the operators change frequency
after almost every QSO, making spotting almost useless
unless you are lucky enough to make some consecutive
spots to establish a pattern (which has been VERY difficult).

Tom  N4KG  (5 bands CW, 1 band SSB, with 1KW)

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