Hello Miles,

Some here have told you the mysteries, the odds, the patterns of how to work 
3B6 I'll tell ya another thing no one has said ...pure LUCK..yup I heard 
them low on 21 CW and the Operator was very deaf so I went to bed, then last 
night I heard them on 28 CW working JA stns... I watched TV for a while then 
when he said outside JA I jumped in and after a couple of minutes I'm in the 
log ...thats luck.
Propagation was my way, the op called outside JA, I didn't have butter 
fingers....luck, nothing but luck.
Sometimes it just goes that way, when ZD9ZM, Tristan da Cunha was on I spent 
hours trying to qso: RTTY, Phone, CW  nothing , then one early morning I 
just woke up turned the radio on and ther he was calling CQ on 21 CW I 
worked him in a whiz ...later that evening I worked him again 40 SSB. Then I 
thought ...all that I had suffered and in one day I got him twice ...luck 
just luck.

It almost never happens but you get our breaks, maybe this ones yours!

73 de HK3CW  ROB

P.S. This is Plan B , if this doesn't work go to plan A ....pray!!

>From: Maciej Muszalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [DXR] any idea on how to work 3b6rf?
>Date: Tue, 08 May 2001 13:42:40 +0100
>Hi Guys... for last few days i've tried to work the 3b6rf station
>on 17/15/12/10m
>sometimes i spent 6h by the trx .. and nothing...
>does anyone has any idea how to work that station... except of using
>some 1kW amps.
>i even thought that my ants are off the roof... but they still are ther
>the way they always been.
>to be honest it's the first time i have a problem like that to work a
>today i tried since 10:30 am till abt 14:45 pm on 12m CW
>73 .. im off to work...
>73 de
>Maciej "Miles" Muszalski
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