Dear Linda,

They may end up with an even bigger problem.

They cannot be held legally responsible for obtaining a SSN from anyone
pursuant to 31 CFR 103.34(a)(1) and ....

Under the Internal Revenue Code Section 6041, that they are not even
required to provide any taxpayer identification numbers on the Form 1099
that they file with the IRS at the end of the year, and ....

Pursuant to 26 CFR 301.6109-1(c) that they were under no legal obligation
to obtain a SSN, and

42 USC 408 makes it a FELONY to use threat, duress, or coercion to try to
force a person by fear or deceit to provide his SSN in an unlawful manner.

Therefore, by withhold moneys due, they are creating a threat and duress,
coercion and could have their hold operation shut down, be charged with,
indicted, and tried for a crime.


Anyone game?!


___ Thank you for your message at 07:54 AM 12/13/00 -0500, Linda. Your
message was:
>Well, here it is with anybody that got into this program. I just
>got a letter from administration and all money is froze. They won't be
>paying until 85% of Independent Contractor Agreement forms are in.
>That's 37,000 people that are going to have a very lean Christmas,
>especially me!! Seems people sent in bogus tax#'s and they're claiming
>they are responsible to pay these taxes. Anyone, wanting they're official
>letter--write me for a copy. I figure it's going to take at least 2-3
>weeks just for this development and think how long on catching up to pay
>37,000. Well, this has tapped my investments!!!
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I informed them that the bank could not be
 >held legally responsible by anyone for failing
 >to obtain a SSN from me pursuant to 31 CFR
 >103.34(a)(1) and
 >3) I informed them that under the Internal
 >Revenue Code Section 6041, that they were not
1 >even required to provide any taxpayer
 >identification numbers on the Form 1099 that
 >they file with the IRS at the end of the year,
 >4) I informed them that pursuant to 26 CFR
 >301.6109-1(c) that they were under no legal
 >obligation to obtain a SSN from me, and
 >5) I informed them that 42 USC 408 makes it a
 >FELONY to use threat, duress, or coercion to
 >try to force a person by fear or deceit to
 >provide his SSN in an unlawful manner.

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