At 07:54 AM 12/13/2000 -0500, Linda wrote:
>Well, here it is with anybody that got into this program. I just
>got a letter from administration and all money is froze. They won't be
>paying until 85% of Independent Contractor Agreement forms are in.
>That's 37,000 people that are going to have a very lean Christmas,
>especially me!! Seems people sent in bogus tax#'s and they're claiming
>they are responsible to pay these taxes. Anyone, wanting they're official
>letter--write me for a copy. I figure it's going to take at least 2-3
>weeks just for this development and think how long on catching up to pay
>37,000. Well, this has tapped my investments!!!

Not sure I understand this issue, and maybe I got into it 
late.  I have no idea what EE is.  If you employ an independent 
contractor, you are not responsible for any taxes for monies paid 
to that individual or corporation.  Independent means that the 
hiring company has not control over the hours worked or the 
location and times worked.  It also means the independent is free 
to work anywhere else (I'm searching that part of my brain that 
remembers when I was a partner at one of the top 20 CPA firms ;-).

I would suggest you contact an attorney who specializes in employment issues.


George Matyjewicz,  Chief Executive Officer
Standard Reserve Corp. -- Atlanta, GA
Acct# 120018      Tel: 770-300-3070 Ext 2818
World Wide Currency for the World Wide Web

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