Well you could be right although I do believe e-gold started out with the 
intention of having a transactional business but have changed direction mid 
stream and now look more like a wholesaler than retail.

There is room for more than one competitor I would say,  perhaps several.

>===== Original Message From [EMAIL PROTECTED] =====
>markab23 wrote:
>> Seems to me e-gold is in it for the money.  nothing really altruistic.
>There's another reason for starting a business?
>> there has been little effort to expend e-gold into the commercial 
>> Take a look at the list of merchants on their directory.  Less than 20  for 
>> multi million dollar business?
>Most enduring fortunes of any size are engineered over time. Patience is
>virtue few businesses have. It won't be much longer before businesses
>note. Before there's a lot of free publicity. Before governments
>the value of gold (priced in western fiat currencies), a lot. And,
>won't be sending a promotion, advertizing or consulting bill.
>> If you are going to assess a company you do it not only by their financial
>> status but by their good will and social standing in the community and a 
>> of other things.
>Social standing? What's that?

>> It seems to me that e-gold would rather take a back stage role in the gold
>> community  and leave it to others (such as the newly launched Standard
>> Reserve?  who seem more equipped to work at the coal face)
>That remains to be seen. And, who produced the current e-gold growth
>Now project out a year or two. Now that's wise use of scarce resources.
>e-gold is *not* designed to be a *retail* currency! Despite doing a
>decent job
>of it.
>than enter the
>> foray of the commercial world.
>> I think these is a definite place for a similar start up who is prepared to
>> interface with the world of commerce.  A big launch into the world of
>> merchants  (you have to start somewhere)
>Go for it.
>> Yes some time and money would be required but the possibilities are 
>Same with e-gold. Their ROE (return on equity) should be something to
>behold, too.
>> Anyone interested in a start up of this nature? contact me.

>> Besides. e-gold could do with a little competition as well,  might lift 
>> game somewhat.
>Yes. Competition is good. Kind of a lousy time to raise capital right
>now, though.
>But nothing the matter with running scared looking over your shoulder at
>your competition. Good luck.
>                 http://www.constructiongigs.com/
>Use gold as money. It's easy. Create a free e-gold account here:
>ConstructionGigs.com's PGP public key is here:
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