> Seems to me e-gold is in it for the money.  nothing really altruistic.

gee...what a suprise, a business operating because of profit motive. Where
is this capitalistic society headed?

> If you are going to assess a company you do it not only by their financial
> status but by their good will and social standing in the community and a host
> of other things.

Okay...what does this have to do with spending the lion's share on
propaganda and PR spinning, er... I mean advertising? Good will and social
standing can be either a)purchased from the impressionable, fickle masses,
or b)earned through show of reliability and security. Would you rather
have the grungy, old gold nuggets or the gleaming, shiny gold foil-wrapped
cinder block that isn't your father's gold?

> It seems to me that e-gold would rather take a back stage role in the gold
> community  and leave it to others (such as the newly launched Standard 
> Reserve?  who seem more equipped to work at the coal face) than enter the
> foray of the commercial world.

e-gold ltd. is positioning themselves as ideally an accounting system, and
OmniPay/G&SR are positioning themselves as wholesalers and guardians of
e-gold. This opens up positions for market makers, dispute arbitrators,
proxy buyers, advertisers, etc...

How can money be made advertising for e-gold if you aren't e-gold ltd.?
What would happen if Amazon started doing business with e-gold and created
it's account from your originator link?

> Besides. e-gold could do with a little competition as well,  might lift their
> game somewhat.

If you believe you could do a better job, have fun and good luck! However,
given the upcoming US recession that is being created, you will need to
have total liquidity of a vast sum of money. You will first, not
neccesarily but a good idea, have to create a sturdy system to handle the
transaction load. You will need a massive ad/spin campaign including
cross-market allliances, movie/TV placements, high profile spokespeople,
etc... You will also need to acquire several tons of gold (or whatever
commodity your currency is based upon).

I, personally, would much rather use a system that attempts to get my
business through show of product worthiness and word-of-mouth than through
the fact that they got Joe Montana/George Carlin/Whoopi Goldberg/etc... to
say that they are the best thing since the sliced wheel, er, make that
circular bread.

Viking Coder
p.s. I apologize if anybody is offended by my occasionally sarcastic tone.
I'm a techie/idealist, not a corporate businessman. Everything I say is
what I believe, not what is neccesarily true. Although I hope it is.

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