> > OmniPay is NOT like any other exchange provider.  Not only is there
> > a past history of unity with e-gold and an incestuous relation amoung
> > the principals of the "two" companies but OmniPay has the exclusive
> > privilege of bailment.
> > 
> > CCS
> e-gold ltd. is trying to maintain the purity of their metal backing. The
> reason Omnipay can bail in bars when nobody else can is that they have 
> an account with Bank of Nova Scotia. If an entity, corporate or human,
> seriously wants to bail in bars they should create an account with 
> Bank of Nova Scotia. Otherwise, every bar that is bailed in would have 
> to melted, tested, and reformed to ensure neccesary purity

This is utter nonsense.  

Concerning the gold market, you are only fantasizing how you imagine 
it works.  Read a book on the subject or talk to a commodities broker.

Concerning bailment, E-gold has disingenuously established the policy 
that they simply will not accept bailment from anyone but 
themselves (ie G&SR).  [Otherwise, Goldfinger (which does really know 
about how the gold market functions) would probably have started bailing 
in their own gold before now and driven down the premium.]  


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