Just because you believe that the income tax is illegal, and quote some
worthless legal basis, you still have to face the simple fact that not ONE
Federal District Judge or higher Judge agrees with you.  As such you have
only two options:  

The martyr approach.  Don't pay, don't file, and make a lot of noise about
it.  Join wacko groups like the "American Pure Trust" folks, and other
conmen and ripoff artists.  Keep all of your money in US banks where it can
be easily found and garnished by the IRS when they get around to jump on
you.  Place worthless liens on your property that requires about one hour in
court to have removed by the IRS.  Wait for the storm troopers to come down
on you, and hope that people remember what you stood for.  Pay for your
funeral arrangements in advance.

The non-martyr approach.  Review the system, and find out its weak points. 
Attack the system from within and without using its own rules.  Take
advantage of every loophole provided.  Use legal onshore asset protection
devices, and offshore accounts to insure that you can get your money if all
hell breaks loose.  Survive to enjoy the money your did not pay in taxes. 
Make sure you do it legally so that no one can make you suffer for the

greedof others.  Prosper.  Remember success is the best revenge.

Of course there is a third option:  Do nothing and just pay the damned
taxes, but that is too unpleasant to contemplate for me.

I think this whole notion that taxes are bad or good is based on the notion
that the "government" is a separate entity from the people.  Face it:  The
Government is the People.  And the People have decided to tax producers into
oblivion.  In a Democracy that is there right.  And in a Democracy it is our
right to decide whether we want to continue to play the game.  Don't blame
the "government" and then say you are pro-American and for the People.  All
the People want to do is rape you!  The same people who voted for Clinton
and Gore will vote for another communist that will decide your money would
be better off in their pocket.  So enough patriotic mumbo jumbo.  Paying
taxes is the ultimate vote of approval.  If you like what The People are
doing, then pay the taxes, if you don't like what The People are doing than
starting THINKING.

Glencannon Group Ltd.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (for a more secure email)
fax: 419-710-4339
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