>Julian Morrison wrote:
>> Priorities, most important first:
>> 1. Visa preferably, or otherwise Mastercard. Not some "own brand" card
>> scheme.
>> 2. Good trustable reputation
>> 3. Utterly anonymous, free from legal requirements to help out nosy Feds
>> 4. Least wasteful conversion steps from e-gold (ie: e-gold => SR-gold =>
>> SR-$ => card $)
>> 5. Least fees

Julian I would like to comment on your request:

1. Your steps in 4) are incorrect. The steps are less than you picture.
e-gold=> SR-Gold=> Card $ => are the only steps necessary. e-gold to SR-Gold
has not cost. And there is a .50c charge to exchange to Card USD.

2. A request for Visa and Mastercard cards has certain fee obligation to
Visa and Mastercard that can put your requested type card into a high
expense arena. SO your 1 and 5 fight with each other.

3. You do not need to go anonymous to be free from legal regquirements to
help out the nosy Feds. What you need is a card that is out of the USA
jurisdiction, and a card that can have a name on it other than your own,
such as "Jacks SpendingPot" and where the company issuing you the card
contracts with you to only reveal the owner of the card to a government
official if the owner is proven to be a criminal in a court of law.

4. The above is already possible with the Standard Reserve Card. But the new
Standard Transactions is negotiating right now a Visa or Mastercard with
similar naming and with simple in-exhange. Keep watching this space.

Dr Elwyn Jenkins
CEO Standard Transactions (BVI) Limited
That is right, we live, work, and serve you from the British Virgin Islands
now where the temperature is always 84 degrees with the trade winds gently
blowing and there are no feds around the place to demand anything of us and
where your offshore account is private.

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