Elwyn Jenkins wrote:
> >Julian Morrison wrote:
> >>
> >> Priorities, most important first:
> >>
> >> 1. Visa preferably, or otherwise Mastercard. Not some "own brand" card
> >> scheme.
> >>
> >> 2. Good trustable reputation
> >>
> >> 3. Utterly anonymous, free from legal requirements to help out nosy Feds
> >>
> >> 4. Least wasteful conversion steps from e-gold (ie: e-gold => SR-gold =>
> >> SR-$ => card $)
> >>
> >> 5. Least fees
> Julian I would like to comment on your request:
> 1. Your steps in 4) are incorrect. The steps are less than you picture.
> e-gold=> SR-Gold=> Card $ => are the only steps necessary. e-gold to SR-Gold
> has not cost. And there is a .50c charge to exchange to Card USD.

*nods* thanks for the correction.

I'm leery of holding SR gold, since it won't necessarily stay fully
mapped to physical gold.

Also, the SR card as I understand it holds dollars, which is a currency
exchange risk for me (in England). Is this a tech thing, that card
systems just ain't specced to deal with a card that holds gold per se?

> 2. A request for Visa and Mastercard cards has certain fee obligation to
> Visa and Mastercard that can put your requested type card into a high
> expense arena. SO your 1 and 5 fight with each other.

Yes, that's the reason for the priority ranking. Visa is important and
worth paying for; without it a card is just pretty plastic in 99% of
places (unless it's AmEx).
> 3. You do not need to go anonymous to be free from legal regquirements to
> help out the nosy Feds. What you need is a card that is out of the USA
> jurisdiction, and a card that can have a name on it other than your own,
> such as "Jacks SpendingPot" and where the company issuing you the card
> contracts with you to only reveal the owner of the card to a government
> official if the owner is proven to be a criminal in a court of law.

Anonymity is my preference, but unencumbered cards are a good second
best. Note: my native jurisdiction is England not USA, although the two
have co-nosiness treaties enough to wallpaper Buckingham Palace.
> 4. The above is already possible with the Standard Reserve Card. But the new
> Standard Transactions is negotiating right now a Visa or Mastercard with
> similar naming and with simple in-exhange. Keep watching this space.

The Visa one would be definately of interest. :-)

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