> > You are entirely right. As I think I indicated: it is all a deliberate
> > deception.
> Cuation here: this may be deliberate or semi-deliberate deception, but
> it isn't conspiracy.
No, it is not a conspiracy. But statism does have a natural logic that
shapes its development (as you illustrate well below). Its supporters
are mendacious demagogues in pushing the elements of that hidden agenda
even if they do not consciously understand that logic. And many
people (like Elwyn, who I am certain is *not* naturally disposed towards
statism) are taken in by their spiel and find it expedient to yield to
their pressures.
> What I've found, is that if you extrapolate from a subtle contradictory
> premise, you always hit an unsuble contradictory conclusion. In this
> case, the premise "what's yours is mine" which underlies tax,
> extrapolates out to "freedom is slavery". No sneakiness or collusion,
> just simple steps: "your property is mine", "hiding your property from
> me is theft", "you must be prevented from hiding your property", "I must
> have control of you in order to keep my access to your property", "there
> must be no means by which you can escape my control".
Excellent analysis.
> Just law is derived solely from "hands off" and "mind your own
> business", and this is a violation of both. No evidence, no
> crime. No crime, no right to mess in other people's business.
Well put.
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