>Also, in paragraph one above, why didn't e-gold/Omni just go with the 

>"if the password fits, tough tittie" model?


>What went wrong?


>Please fill us in Viking!


Well.. I'm not viking... but I'll still answer this.

e-gold did go with the "if the password fits" rule and completed the spend as stated 
in their user agreement.

However, when the gold reached omnipay, it was their decision as to what to do with 
that.  At the time the CostaGold website stated something to the affect of "Our 
account has been hacked... and our funds have been stolen"

The OmniPay user agreement allows them to not fill an order if they don't want to and 
return the gold.  However because of the above stated, they put it into escrow.

The OmniPay website does not allow an OutExchange of over 1 million but instead asks 
for the user to call as far as I know.  It is suspicious that Costa did 10 
outexchanges instead of calling OmniPay.  It is also suspicious that Costa has not 
provided proper documents to claim the gold as of yet.  You'd think that a million USD 
worth would be some motivation.

        Khurram Khan

2 cents worth?


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