At 5:25 AM -0400 5/16/01, Viking Coder wrote:
>The CYA manuever on Omnipay's part was to put the disputed funds into
>escrow. Would you want to be held responsible for giving >$1 million to
>the wrong person and then getting sued by the right person? This was
>completely within Omnipay's user agreement. e-gold ltd. upheld their user
>agreement and transfered the gold without question to Omnipay's account.
>Omnipay then received multiple conflicting instructions on what to do with
>the gold. So they decided to sit and wait until everybody has decided on 1
>clear instruction. All that Costa Gold has to do to claim the gold is
>prove who they are to Omnipay, and then give that instruction.

makes good sense!

What do we do to get our hands on the million?  It can't be that hard.

Any thoughts?  JP

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