> So it's offered as an option in the setup screens, "notify me if
> somebody pays me", and the default is "don't". Spends will still go onto
> the statements, they just won't result in users recieving emails.

That still requires e-gold to spend time & resources on making e-gold a
better get-paid-to-read-email system rather than a better private digital

> > All who want e-gold to be turned into a get-paid-to-read-mail program,
> > please raise your hand.
> With the idea of spamdonations being out there now and trivial to
> implement, I see little way to prevent it.

Check out the recent discussion on e-gold supposedly supporting HYIPs
becuase they don't enact draconian measures that would also harm innocent
individuals. There is a major difference between what indepedent
individuals do with e-gold and what e-gold officially does. If e-gold
included the option in the sign-up screen, that would be an official
action. They would be officially recognizing and endorsing the fact that
account holders will be spammed mercilessly.

There are already a few paid-to-read programs out there. Vince at
freedomhound.com even has something like it with his NicklesWorth program.
I heartily support these operations.

One thing I think a few people haven't realized about the acct spamming is
that you only have 50 characters to work with. One other point about acct
spamming is that you don't know which 95,000 accts are funded, so you
would have to spend to every single account. That would destroy that
valuable fact on the stats page. It would show that there are 250,000
accts of which 250,000 are funded.

I want e-gold to remain a currency, plain and simple. I don't want them to
turn into some sort of ad house/paid-to-read program. Let e-gold ltd. do
what it does best, be a accounting system for it's private digital

Viking Coder
Worth Two Cents?

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