> It would be rather nice if we could check out a new outexchange client,

Why can't you? If you can check out an inexchange client, what is stopping
you from checking out an outexchange client?

> perhaps then we could stop them from getting at their ill gotten
> gains, that would certainly slow down the amount of fraud.

Not really. The scammers would just find some other way to get the loot.
Either through an unpicky exchange provider or simply by purchasing a lot
of gold bars & coins from dealers who accept e-gold for payment.

All that extensive identity verification would do is raise your rates (you
have to pay for the added effort somehow) and provide a marginal amount of
protection from your big brother barging and charging you with being a
money launderer.

> Obviously this requires assistance from the providor's
> to do, can we expect any assistance?

Why would you require the provider's assistance in verifying indentity for
an OutExchange when you don't require it for an InExchange? IMHO,
providers giving out personal info, without a high court order, would be a
breach of privacy.

Viking Coder
Worth Two Cents?

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