> Just for the record Ian, my PERSONAL estimate of the amount of 
> HYip/similar activity on e-gold is
>       "about half"
> (That's what I told Julian on the fone, too!  His stating that my 
> opinion is "90%" is just typical Wired journalistic innacuracy! ;)  )

I owe JP an apology and would like to make it clear to the list that I did
in fact misrepresent his opinion. What I was thinking of was his recent
comment to the list that "HYIPs dwarf everything else in ERE activity,"
which I misremembered as an assertion that HYIPs dwarf everything else in
*all* e-gold transaction activity. Those are two very different statements
of course.

JP is quite correct: what he told me on the phone about HYIPs' share of
the total e-gold transaction universe was that he reckoned it at "about

> Julian - - re your comment that one market maker suggests 90% of his 
> trancastion are hyip related.
> Don't forget, thats just ONE market marker. 

Right, which was why I paired it with another market maker's guess of
about 60%, and came up with a working estimate of 75%. Toss in JP's ~50%,
and we're down to 66%. Looking better!

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