>>  I believe what you're saying is wrong in many ways, RJ!!
>I don't see how JP. This is a problem for quite a few webmasters.
>>  (i) the e-gold SCI is completely secure if you use it properly.  Just
>>  use the status.cgi, check the hash properly, and record all
>>  transaction ids to ensure no-one is multi-posting a payment.
>Right, however, there is no easy explanation of this task for the
>inexperienced. Seeing as you have it worked out, why don't you write the
>docs for people to more easily understand this method.

no way man!  ISL charges like 20 grand to set up a proper e-gold 
merchant system!

"open source" is for poor people :)

>I don't know if I would actually put it "that way". I, personally, would use
>"inexperienced" instead of incompetent and I definitely would NOT use the
>term "dopers" when referring to anyone that doesn't know what I know but
>could and would benefit from the proper explanation and/or assistance.

Still, I understand what you mean: it's a problem, the problem being 
that many people can't do it.

But you started off by saying e-gold's interface is not secure.  Au 
contraire, it's very secure!! It's perfect.

I'd discuss it more, but I can't quote any more of yuour post.

Good luck!

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