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Hello RJ,

You say:
> Anyone, and I mean anyone, could easily slip right past the 
> initial payment
> (using the default SCI with no extras) and go straight for the 
> goods, so to speak. 

Of course, this has probably absolutely NOTHING to do with e-gold. If 
you supply an address where the goods are available, and it is 
unprotected (i.e. just an HTML page) then anyone who knows that address 
can get the goods, no matter what payment system is in place!

> Let's make this interesting. Show me a site that uses the DEFAULT SCI
> performing instant gratification of product or service immediately 
> followingpayment (no extra scripts) and I'll show you a product or 
> service for
> free... this is my point.

Not quite... so I take you up on your offer below... I threw together a 
little "experiment" in 15 minutes for you. Let me know when you've 
cracked it, as you will see I've used the standard sci that sends 
confirmation to my e-mail. You can leave that out if you like too.

Let me know when you are willing to hand over the free products.



> I have already tested this theory on my own
> system. It was far too easy, and WOULD be just as easy on a few other
> sites... I know this, I validate every submission to our engine 

Lyris buster

> manuallytherefore can see it. Webmasters are welcome to contact me 
> PRIVATELYregarding this issue. I am more than happy to help anyone 
> that uses the

Lyris buster

> DEFAULT SCI (without extras). How can I help? Simple. Are you 
> vulnerable or
> are you invulnerable? Let me sniff around. Cost? Let's make this 
> fun, 2
> options:

Lyris buster

> _________________________________________
> [ OPTION #1 ]
> **COST - 1 gram of e-gold

Lyris buster

> **CONDITION - 100% retained if I am successful. 100% returned if I'm
> unsuccessful.
> **REPORTING - I'll provide proof upon successful or unsuccessful 
> attempts._________________________________________

Lyris buster

> [ OPTION #2 ]
> **COST - Free Service or Product
> **CONDITION - Free 1 Term Membership to Service or Free Product if
> successful. Nothing if unssuccessful.

Lyris buster

> **REPORTING - I'll provide proof upon successful or unsuccessful 
> attempts._________________________________________
> Anyone game? This was by no means pre-planned, nor am I a professional
> hacker. This is neither a professional service nor is it a 
> contract. I came

Lyris buster

> up with this idea about 5 minutes ago... which is just about how 
> long it
> takes to slip through the improperly configured DEFAULT SCI...


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