> 2. delivering online goods/information is not for beginners. why
> do i say that? most beginners will just be getting up to speed on
> hosting an html file on their web site. a static html file / web
> site doesn't cut it for digital goods. it cannot make an informed
> decision as to the time to deliver the goods. a program (script, CGI)
> is required. beginners can't host or write such things. i think you
> agree with this - you suggest e-gold should provide such services
> built-in to the e-gold system. that is not an impossible task -
> but let me propose some other present timeframe solutions:
>    a) hire a professional experienced programming outfit and get
>       a high quality custom solution that utilizes the e-gold SCI
>       in a similar manner to all the serious businesses out there.
>       there are many individuals and businesses out there with experience
>       in this area. shop around.

To see a working example of instant delivery of personalised digital goods
using e-gold's bullet-proof sci,
visit http://planets9.com

Technically (as Vince said), e-gold's sci is among the best out there
(and presumably the same goes for other sci's based on the e-gold model).
In comparision, credit card interfaces are usually more crude and insecure.

The irony of it all is that, put to the test simultaneously,  even a crude
credit card interface would
pull in more orders (due to other factors) than the technically accomplished
e-gold interface,
as has been my experience after implementing both on http://planets9.com


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