Since we're on the subject, here's a message regarding Spam and
ecommerce from the Hettingalists. A number of the factoids below
seem wrong, as Spam typically has a very *low* response-rate, and
I can't believe that only 15% of bank & brokerage customers choose
to have their personal information kept secret when given an option
to do so (but who knows?).


  Is Spam Choking E-Commerce?

Is Spam Choking E-Commerce?
Keith Regan
March 14, 2002Financial institutions stand to gain or lose about $60
billion worth of business in the next two years based on privacy concerns,
Forrester's Clemmer said. To most online consumers, receiving unwanted
e-mail marketing messages is just part of being online. Like offline junk
mail, it is something people do not like but have learned to live with.

But analysts say there is a price to pay for too much spam, and e-commerce
may have to foot some of the bill.

"Privacy continues to be something that consumers say is holding them
back," Forrester analyst Christopher Kelley told the E-Commerce Times.
"It's always one of the first answers to the question of why more people
aren't online."

And to many consumers, Kelley noted, the spam clogging their inbox is proof
positive that their personal information can easily fall into the wrong

Growth Industry

No one disputes that spam has exploded and that even more is coming.
According to GartnerG2 analyst Denise Garcia, the US$200 billion-a-year
direct mail marketing industry is looking closely at e-mail because of the
low cost and high response rates of e-mail ads.

Many new users of direct marketing services will be retailers and others
hoping to use the Web to improve customer retention and brand loyalty,
Garcia said, setting up a dangerous tightrope walk for e-commerce: Use
e-mail effectively without pushing customers away.

In Case of Emergency

E-commerce heavyweights may have set an example by sending e-mail to
customers only when it contains something the recipient will deem to be of
value. For instance, most e-mail from (Nasdaq: AMZN) contains a
discount coupon or other special offer.

Auction giant EBay (Nasdaq: EBAY) uses e-mail even more sparingly, relying
instead on its network of bulletin boards to post updates for members.
E-mail is reserved for more important notices, such as changes in the
company's privacy policy.

In fact, EBay has fought hard in favor of anti-spam measures, as its
members often have had their addresses hijacked through the site.

Name Your E-Mail spokesman Brian Ek told the E-Commerce Times that the
name-your-price travel site tries to make sure visitors are not bombarded
with e-mail after they register.

"Our use of e-mail is on a special-situation basis," Ek said. "We use such
communication to let customers know about added-savings offers that are not
available to the general public. You might even think of it as our version
of a loyalty program."

In that way, analysts said, the Priceline program may be a model for
e-commerce companies to follow: Limit e-mail messages to essential
communications, and make sure they contain something of value.

Holding Back

Some industries are being held back by spam and the reluctance it causes
among consumers about giving out personal information. For instance,
Forrester analyst Kenneth Clemmer told the E-Commerce Times, financial
institutions stand to gain or lose about $60 billion worth of business in
the next two years based on privacy concerns.

"Consumers still worry about privacy," Clemmer said. He noted that 15
percent of bank and brokerage customers chose to have their personal
information kept secret when given the option to do so.

"Financial institutions have to be able to assure customers of their
privacy," Clemmer added. "That's hard to do if the consumer thinks they're
getting spam that's in any way related to their online banking."

Making that distinction may be the hardest job of all for e-commerce,
analysts said. Whether or not spam originates from a person's online
shopping experiences, just the possibility may be enough to put a damper on
future e-commerce growth.

"Perception matters as much as reality," Kelley said. "People want to feel
confident in where their information is going."

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R. A. Hettinga <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation <>
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
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