> I would like to know what the deal is with Spam. I plan to use
> some email addresses that I bought online and I want to make
> sure its legal. Can somebody please tell me what the law is?
> I was told that if I gave the reader the option to unsubscribe
> it would not be considered Spam, is there any truth to this?
> Does anyone know what happends if you are accused of spaming?
> Is it your hosting company that follows throught with it?

Hello Henry,

What you are considering is actually legal. States in the US have the right
to take the law a bit further, like Washington State. In WA, if you are
found to be guilty of SPAMming someone, you could be responsible for $500.00
fines PER ILLEGAL TRANSMISSION. I believe that Washington, Virginia, and
California are the hardest on UCE.

What is an illegal transmission? Any email that you send to a recipient that
did not request it first, such as purchasing a list of names and emailing
them all with your content. If the recipient did not first subscribe or ask
you for the information, and you send email to them; that is considered a

Whether the sender provides removal options or not, it is still SPAM if I
didn't request it. Who can press charges? Well, again, as for WA residents
it is us that can prosecute. We have what is called our Right of Action.
That means I can press charges against anyone sending me illegal email... of
course, if I can locate them to bring them to court.

Your ISP can and will shut down any and all services to you if you break
their policies. You may get a warning or two, but you will eventually be
shut down. How do they find out? Your recipients, other ISPs, etc...

My advice to you is that you should not perform the bulk-email process you
are considering. It is just not worth it. Ya'see, this is one of the
problems on the Internet. People want to get something going online and they
find the wrong people that tell them that all they need to do is setup a
simple website, buy and email list with some expensive bulk-email software
and they are going to be rich. This is the most incorrect methodology. A
good solid business on the Internet today takes time, effort, dedication,
patience, hard work, market analysis, proper hardware and software... etc.
Do it right! Don't waste your time with purchased email lists. Heck, I would
be willing to wager that over 35% of those lists you bought are invalid
addresses... could possibly be 75% or more by months end. Why? Because you
and, GOD knows how many others, bought this list.

What happens to me if I am caught spamming? You could lose your ISP, your
webhost, your new reputation, your old reputation, loss of dollars for
software and lists... URL blacklisting, server blocks... the list is

Sure, you could easily do it, but you better have some money in the bank to
purchase new ISP and webhost services for the numerous times you are going
to be shut down. You better know the terms and meanings for; cloaking,
routing, bouncing, forging... etc.

Before you consider doing this sir, consider the other end... the recipient.

Suggestion: DON'T DO IT AT ALL!

Kind Regards,

RJ LeVeque

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