> What is to stop a person from listing a low bid, getting the 
> project, creating a "mock-up" solution, and asking for 50% 
> before completing the rest of the project, and then simply 
> running away with your E-Gold? Would there be any real 
> way to track down the programmers that do this? (In case 
> you are wondering, this has happened to me twice now)

RE: There are three things that I can do to solve this problem.

1. All projects must be completed and buyer satisfied before any payment is made. No 
50% down this time. I would simply not allow this.
2. If project is cancelled by the buyer after he had already chosen a programmer the 
buyer will be charged a fee for wasting the programmer's time.
3. Remember that all request for withdrawals are processed manually, so with effective 
administration the act of fraud can be avoided.

OH! Thanks for pointing out that it wouldn't cost $50K's :-) 

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