On Sunday, January 26, 2003, at 01:11 AM, Robert S.Z. wrote:

To get to the point: As long as rules are being tightened for legit
businesses and at the same time create huge openings for criminal elements
the people who tighten the rules are building themselves springboards for
much worse rules to come...
Excellent insight, Robert. The single goal of taxers and regulators is to convince legitimate people and businesses that they need to give them ever-increasing amounts of money and obey ever-increasing numbers of rules. The only way to do that is to maintain the illusion of a constant threat to stability and order. This convinces most people that the extra taxes and regulations are necessary to avoid chaos, injustice, or impoverishment. Most of the people who remain skeptical go along anyway because resistance is seen as futile or in bad taste. Anyone left who actually resists is then easily incarcerated with the tacit approval of a majority of the people.

The state has a long history of deliberately creating or inducing real or imagined threats to civilized society. It is a very effective technique for increasing their own power and wealth.

-- Patrick

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