On Tuesday, June 3, 2003, at 12:22 PM, Cambist.net wrote:
Ideally, the UPS deliveryman would wait while you check the merchandise, and
then when you sign for it, it would automatically make the e-gold
non-repudible. Of course that will never happen.

But John, there is real opportunity in Craig Spencer's idea. Check this out:


A payment escrow service needs some way to determine if and when to release the funds to the merchant. This UPS interface could be a nice automatic and reliable solution that relies neither on a Solomonic judge nor a random jury. Here's the process:

1.  Buyer pays escrow service for goods.
2.  Escrow service detects that goods were shipped and delivered.
3.  Escrow service pays seller.

The devil's in the details, but that's the idea. The buyer trusts the escrow service instead of the seller. The escrow service provides an objective way to determine who gets the funds.

-- Patrick

"Cadillac, Cadillac
Long and dark, shiny and black
Open up your engines let 'em roar
Tearing up the highway like a big old dinosaur"

Bruce Springsteen, "Cadillac Ranch"


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