At 12:22 PM -0400 6/3/03, wrote:
>Ideally, the UPS deliveryman would wait while you check the merchandise, and
>then when you sign for it, it would automatically make the e-gold
>non-repudible. Of course that will never happen.

It seems logical to me, but I agree at present it's unlikely. The key idea
we've discovered (well, most of us, I hope!) is that this aspect (of what I
agree is correctly called the escrow business) -- the "look in the box to
see if it's bricks or gold coins" aspect* -- is ideally done by/through the
delivery-agents and NOT the base-money currency. Their businesses
fit much closer together, and they've already hired employees, who are
required to be in physical contact with the items anyway. In a future of
widespread use of web-cams and phones-with-cams, the logic of this
may perhaps become apparent to companies like UPS, but UPS has
done very well so far just by sticking to doing a few things right...It's an 
admirable business-model, IMO. 

* Which I must again stress, won't be cheap if it's done correctly (but
WILL still be subject to certain criminal scams!).

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