Robert wrote "And who pays for the cell phone calls?"

Hold on here, I was thinking that the phones connect to the Internet, not
make an international call to E-gold :) An Internet connection is usually
part of the contract with the provider (for G3 phones), so users don't pay
anything else. No SMS, no extra charge. At least this is the case with
Orange, the company that I see is in the mobile section of E-gold. A
software is needed to make things easier, seamless, just like this.

This is how a normal transaction looks like:
I go to a grocery and take a watermelon from the shelf. I go to the counter
and put my phone next the phone of the merchant. I click on a menu from my
phone and the phone displays:
"Type price:"
 I type "5"
"Contacting merchant..."
"Got merchant info"
"Merchant currency: USD"
"Merchant account: 267341"
"Merchant name: Grocery"
"Accept spend?"
 I press "Enter"
"Merchant awaits confirmation..."
"Contacting E-gold..."
"Spending 5 USD..."
"5 USD spent"
"Merchant received confirmation"
"Transaction completed"
"Have a nice day!"

The merchant's phone displays:
"Speaking to buyer..."
"Got buyer info"
"Merchant currency: USD"
"Buyer account: 799511"
"Buyer name: George Hara"
"Info sent to buyer"
"Contacting E-gold..."
"Waiting confirmation..."
"5 USD received"
"Transaction completed"
"Have a nice day!"

The merchant gives me the melon and I go...
So, the merchant didn't do anything, and I only pressed on a few keys.

George Hara


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