
"If you ever tried to beam a phone number from a Samsung handset"

The phones should communicate through BlueTooth. If they are not compatible,
it means that some producers don't respect the standard.

"Worse, if the handset is used as identifier, e-gold becomes stealable"

The phones are not used in any way as identifiers (phone number or
anything). The buyer's phone interogates the merchant's phone about his
account number and title. Then, the buyer's phone makes the usual E-gold
spend from the E-gold account of the buyer to the E-gold account of the
merchant. It is the usual E-gold spend! There is nothing different that
using your computer to make the spend!

"Software installed on a particular handset, would make the handset

Why is that? It's a piece of software, that's all! It's not designed for a
specific individual! Plus, I didn't say the transactions should be
un-identifiable. This aspect is not important. Important is for the
transaction to take place. I want to buy a melon, I want to buy a carrot or
a shirt. I don't need to hide the money, I just want to be able to make the

Why would you delete the transaction batch number? You don't delete it when
you use your computer. Why is a phone any different than a computer? The
phone doesn't store the information about trasactions, maybe only about the
last one, but that's all.

My phone sends a password to the E-gold system. Why would I care that the
software can be hacked? The E-gold system can be hacked, but my account is
protected with that password whether I use my phone or my computer to access
the account. Also, phones are protected with PINs. If the phone is stolen,
you go to a computer and change the password of your account. One more
thing... the account stored in the phone should be different than the one
accessed with the computer, for security reasons.

Maybe you think that the developers of the software can read your password?!
That's why E-gold should make this software!

"But all that would need to be possible from 'any' handset, PDA, notebook,"

This has to start small, as I said, there should be a list of compatible
phones. This list would grow in time. Considering that the initial
investment is small, this system can be started regardless of how many
phones can work together.

"Ultimately, I believe that providers outside e-gold will develop a system
on the same or similar principle"

The more disolution the system contains, the less likely it is to be used on
a mass scale because people have to go to a million places to make things
work, and also vastly increases the security risks (hacking or anything

E-gold must do this! Just as they did with the mobile protocol.

George Hara


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