At 9:05 PM -0400 7/10/03, Robert S.Z. wrote:
>I'm talking about paper. My point is that nowadays we exchange paper for
>gold, whereas as recently as 30 years ago we exchanged metal backed paper
>for other metal backed paper, in essence metal for metal.

I see. Well, as others have pointed-out, governments (not just the US
government) have done a poor job at "doing a currency" because of
natural pressures on them which don't exist on a private corporation
such as e-gold that can concentrate on doing what is a deceptively-
tough job.  

>I did NOT say what everybody seems to think I said, namely that they did
>not charge both ways. I did say, two tangible items where exchanged.
>e-gold is NOT tangible per say. My whole point is that not that it's a bad
>thing to make a profit as an exchanger but that it's simply insane from a
>marketing point of view to call it fee and express it in percentage.

Well, if that's true, the marketplace shall prove you right! I don't think
most customers think in grams yet, or have a coin/nugget (have I said
that everyone should own a nugget lately? It's TRUE!!!). e-gold also
might seem more "tangible" the longer you use it, and this probably
colors my arguments here.

>Of course I still believe that that outexchange should be hit much more
>than inexchange, but fear that the only way to do this is to set an
>And spare me the sour remarks about how it isn't possible, because
>merchants have the edge on this one. You see, we actually earn gold.
>Meaning, we get it at zero surcharge. Exchangers often have to deal with
>Omnipay or each other and pay fees, we don't.

It's a weird argument...You seem to wish to pay more if you're ever to
get fiat currency than you otherwise would, to dissuade folks from ever
doing outexchanges, I guess.  I just don't see the need. The system 
will just grow at a natural rate IMO, with weirdnesses like outexchange
after 9/11 (when I'd have been BUYING gold, BTW!) flattening out over
time as sensible people bail in more gold bars. 

>Imagine would offer all customers to buy e-gold on the spot
>at market, 2 minute delivery - and yes - we could! Stocks are not large
>enough yet and we still need a few more people to join the gang, but it
>will happen. I don't want to ruin anyone, I just want to proof a point.

Awesome! That's doing it!! Go for it!!

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