In a message dated 98-09-06 18:38:58 EDT, Chris writes:

<< So how does 'eco' heal 'fem' everyone? >>

I think this should read how does 'fem' heal 'eco'?  How can the feminists who
are anti-racists, pro-feminism, pro-ecology, etc. help heal the patriarchial
epoch?  By teaching paganism? NO!    By teaching neopaganism?  I think NOT -
that no religion is good religion is not going to solve anything AND it will
just create more separatism - we need nature connection and spiritual reunion
NOT disconnection and separatism!  (sorry if I offended the pagans on the
list/believe me I have been offended many times - has not changed my spiritual
beliefs - and will not stop me from expressing them!)  By teaching reverse
discrimination?  No way - no way!  The only real avenue of resolution here is
to stop the misunderstanding that the spirit of creation is to blame for the
misunderstanding.  The  Earth was never intended to be dominated by over-
zealous, disrespectful, power hungry, greedy men or women!  You need evidence?
Women were also given hearts and brains and muscle-we are not unequals - time
to start using them to prove it!  The Earth needs equal partners/men and women
co-defenders and co-creators in true love for each other to help it heal!
Women and men need to come out of the woodwork here and speak up and out on
behalf of the feminine face(s) of creation!  Let's celebrate the feminine and
reveal the truth - we ARE spirits in a material world!

>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mon Sep  7 22:03:14 1998
        by with smtp (Exim 1.62 #3)
From: "Robinmcc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How 'eco' can heal 'fem'
Date: Mon, 7 Sep 1998 21:01:09 -0700

 -Original Message-----

>I think this should read how does 'fem' heal 'eco'?  How can the feminists
>are anti-racists, pro-feminism, pro-ecology, etc. help heal the
>epoch?  By teaching paganism? NO!    By teaching neopaganism?  I think
>that no religion is good religion is not going to solve anything AND it
>just create more separatism - we need nature connection and spiritual
>NOT disconnection and separatism!  (sorry if I offended the pagans on the

You did offend this pagan on the list. The reason I turned to paganism (and
by extension from that belief to eco-feminist thought) was that it stressed
the absolute connection between earth and spirit, and personal
responsibility for actions taken. Never in my pagan life have I run in to
another pagan who believed that no religion was good religion.


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