In a message dated 98-09-12 17:23:48 EDT, you write:

 > The bible doesn't work as an answer to eco-fem because it is a historical
 > document written
 > mostly by men. Because it is dated, it does not address pollution,
 > overpopulation, cruelty to
 > animals in intensive farming, subjugation of women, gaining the vote (for
 > women), etc etc
 > If you, Angela, choose to find comfort in the teachings of the bible,
 > that is great but
 > don't expect the bible to solve modern day problems. The answers are not
 > Marguerite
 > >>

Hi!  I say that all these problems mentioned above were in some way a result
of how we were taught the bible by these men- How we were taught to perceive,
women, the environment, the other animals, fertility, etc. by religious
leaders.  Then the industrial revolution roled in and we changed our
connection to nature - changing the perception even further - If we could
change perceptions we could change a lot of these modern day problems and yes
we have to start with the children and raise them right! 
Re:  cruel people in the past - barbarians also existed in the past - the
horrors of the past should be burnt like bridges in our memories and healed
with forgiveness and we should move ahead into the future to build stronger
bridges to better understanding and a kinder more sustainable existence.
Since we can't change the past - we better learn from it!  That is what
growing is really about - learning!   
What we learned about cruelty to women is that women should always have a say
in their own rights and freedom!  
>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sat Sep 12 19:55:03 1998
Date: Sat, 12 Sep 1998 18:54:57 -0700 (PDT)
From: "J. Ashmore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Regarding your page on Neopaganism!

Going CATatonic over all of the DOGma.  I've started deleting most of the
messages from this list, not a habit I wanted to get into because
sometimes I really learn something here.

So what is the punishment if you believe in Darwin's theory of evolution?

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