Angela do you even know how many working families are homeless? Working
isnt "working"!


On Wed, 14 Oct 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> In a message dated 98-10-14 12:06:09 EDT, you write:
> << "those poor uneducated, ignorant peasants" and 
>  that if  we could just teach them, the problem would be solved.  The 
>  imperial colonial overtones of this attitude, sublte (or not so sublte) as 
>  they may be, need to be pointed out every time they rear their ugly heads.
>  peace
>  katie
>   >>
> Hi!
> I understand what you are saying here Katie - but what I meant by education
> was that if they had the education they needed they could get the great jobs
> with great pay and not be dependent on having more children to help with
> labor, etc.   Not just educate them about the issues they affect and as you
> said at times have no control over - but to empower them with what they need
> to succeed in their own lives. So that through that success they can support
> their families.  It is similar to not just telling your children to be afraid
> of strangers but empowering them with information to protect themselves in
> different situations with strangers.  Empowerment through education - Free,
> educated, empowered woman . . doesn't that have a nice ring to it!
> Peace!
> Angela

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