Here's a great example of tradeoffs.  I have a million food allergies and 
have just embarked on a massive, complex and probably VERY rewarding 
campaign to neutralize (or at least learn to live with) them.

One of the most emphatic recommendations in my "how to" book for 
environmentally sensitive individuals is that EVERy food which is not known 
to be organic should be soaked in Chlorox for at least 20 minutes before 

Anyone out there have a less environmentally destructive way to detoxify 
fish, fruit, veggies and poultry?  (I know, I should just skip the 
poultry and fish, but I'm massively allergic to beans, nuts and dairy, so 

I would really be grateful for any suggestions ...

>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sat Apr 22 12:05:49 MDT 1995
MR-Received: by mta WPB1; Relayed; Sat, 22 Apr 1995 14:05:36 -0500
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Date: Sat, 22 Apr 1995 13:55:51 -0500 (EST)
From: Carol Meeds WPB 407-433-2650 x 113 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: FWD: RACHEL #348: Warning on Male Reproductive Health
In-reply-to: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: ecofem <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Posting-date: Sat, 22 Apr 1995 14:05:00 -0500 (EST)
Importance: normal
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    Hi Jayne:
    I am putting my answer to you on the ecofem "all" distribution 
    because I feel if I failed to make myself clear to you (AND I hold 
    the belief that you are a intelligent, informed caring person), 
    then I should clarify to the list.
    My "joke" was a lighthearted response to the posting of the Wood 
    person.  I "tried to imagine" a role reversal, a situation where 
    women could "flame bait" men on a primarily male forum.  Having 
    just read the _Rachael_ on the "Warning on Male Reproductive 
    Health" and knowing that this forum was ECOFEM, where I might 
    expect to find others who subscribed to _Rachael_, I spoke in 
    short hand and just referenced one aspect of this newsletter and 
    how it could be used as "flame-baiT".  I am glad to introduce 
    several people who would not have know about _Rachael_ to it.  
    Welcome.  Enjoy.  Check out the references!
    I don't see an article that focuses on the "male reproductive" 
    system as being biased.  What I have observed after posting 
    articles like this is that they do generate a bit of excitment.  I 
    have been circulating various Rachael's and other "liberal" and 
    environmental electronic postings and this above all else has made 
    the recipients verbal off-line! 

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