I have used the GeoXT extensively with aerial photography in the
background, and I think it works fine. I did not notice any problems
with resolution.The only disadvantage I have noticed is that you can
have only 1 layer = background on the screen. You cannot display your
air photo and last years data points while mapping a new layer. You may
want to decrease file size by cropping to the air photo portion you are
working with to decrease loading times. The problem is memory, the
hardware, not software- and as far as I know the only way to get around
this is using a full size table PC or  field PC. Then you can run the
ArcPad extension of ESRI - and use GPS receivers and GeoCorrect from
Trimble. This gives you the full functionality of a GIS in the field:
multiple layers, direct update of shape files, etc. I don't recommend
running ArcPad on a Pocket PC, in my experience it is terribly unstable.

Sabine Mellmann-Brown
Postdoctoral Research Scientist
Montana State University
Department of Ecology 
310 Lewis Hall
Bozeman, MT 59717-3460

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