Keep in mind that all these various estimates of sea level rise are just
that...estimates.  An estimate of a parameter is only as good as the data
and the methodology used to calculate the estimate.  It seems to me that
most published estimates are indicating an increase in sea level rise and
that is really all we can safely concluded from the collective wisdom of
the various studies and publications.  Averaging across studies (which I
have not done) would probably show that an average of the averages is

When there are a slew papers predicting no increase or a decline in sea
level, then we can declare Al Gore et al. reactionary idiots.

Also, I read in the New York Times that flossing and regular brushing will
take care of most gum diseases.  In that same news paper I read that the
solutions to estimated sea level rise are somewhat more complicated.

Conor P. McGowan, Ph.D.
Post-Doctoral Research Associate
USGS, Patuxent Wildlife Research Center
12100 Beech Forest Rd.
Laurel, MD 20708
Ph:301 497 5632

-----"Ecological Society of America: grants, jobs, news"

From: "James T. Conklin (BSME UMD 1958)" <>
Sent by: "Ecological Society of America: grants, jobs, news"
Date: 05/17/2009 10:19AM
Subject: [ECOLOG-L] Sea-Level Rise Revised

Experts have cut the sea-level rise forecast IF the West Antarctic ice
sheet were to collapse due to Global Warming.  The forecast has been
revised to 10 feet in 500 years, or 0.24 inches per year.*

I recall that a sea-level rise of 20 to 50 feet had been predicted by Al
Gore and other Global Warming "experts" (fanatics) within decades.  I also
recall that the Antarctic ice sheet has been getting thicker, i.e.: not

My advice to people who have been traumatized by Al Gore's dire Global
Warming and Sea-Level Rising warnings is to start worrying about their

* Research by U.K. Natural Environment Research Council and the Colorado
University Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Science and
published in the journal Science 5/15/09.

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