> What I don't understand is why hardly anybody mentions
> mass extinctions when they warn of global warming. Can
> you imagine an Earth with 95% of its species lost? I can't.

For many decades a sizable fraction of the worlds population
hasn't seemed to mind living in very low species diversity
urban and agricultural environments; e.g. Los Angeles
Iowa: http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k75/4af/squ.jpg

> I'm still left wondering why no one TRIES to communicate
> this [mass extinction] threat to the public.

Perhaps you might ask yourself whether or not
the high profile people and organizations delivering the mass
extinction message have been willing to sacrifice their own
material standard of living, comfort and safety for the sake
of climate change?

Examples: Are any enthusiastically embracing known carbon
solutions like nuclear power? NO! Are any enthusiastically embracing
a return to the national 55 MPH speed limit and radically downsized
cars and engines to quickly cut vehicle related carbon emissions
50%? NO! Are any ethusiastically embracing a return to building
and living in 1,000 square foot homes on 5,000 square foot lots
as was typical 40-50 years ago? NO! And certainly not Al Gore
who lives in this mansion:
Are any enthusiastically calling for environmental and ecological
organizations to merge and consolidate to save energy and
natural resources? NO!

So if the people and organizations delivering the mass
extinction message are not willing to voluntarily make
major changes to their own material standard of living,
comfort and safety for the sake of preventing mass future
extinctions, how can they reasonably expect to convince
the public that such changes are urgently neccessary?

Paul Cherubini
El Dorado, Calif.

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