One of the goals of Ecology is to study the relationship between living beings 
and their environment and humans fit fully to this.
 To my understanding, the idea that humans are someting appart is an european 
idea (my apologies to europeans, nothing personal). Ancient greeks classified 
living beings into something like the plant-, animal- and human kingdom. Even 
worse, humans being "not like we the greeks" were considered "barbarians", a 
kind of "sub-humans", like saying "wild animals". Until today, many countries 
study the "History of Mankind" but it is just a History of Europe. No space to 
give many history- and current examples of people thinking like this, many of 
them ruling powerful countries.
 Religions like the ones asking Evolution lessons to include The Bible added 
another dimension: they are the ones thinking that a God made humans following 
His template. I'm not so sure on the quality of such a template, probably some 
humans made God according to their own template just to say that they are 
outside Nature. Fortunately, many current Anthropologist do not loose time 
arguing on it.
  Two Sciences contributed greatly to Anthropology to become mature:
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. On my opinion, any practicer of such
sciences thinking that humans are something appart of nature must
forget about Science and become priests.

Edgardo I. Garrido-Pérez
Goettingen University, Germany

> Date: Sat, 8 Aug 2009 17:11:02 +0100
> From:
> Subject: [ECOLOG-L] Are humans part of nature?
> An anthropologist writing on another mailing list wrtoe that "... human 
> beings, and indeed human cultures, have developed as a part of evolutionary 
> processes.  This is something that a fair proportion of  ecologists do not 
> acknowledge.  At my Ph.D. institution, I have had ecologists tell me that 
> humans ARE NOT part of nature!" I find this statement remarkable, and would 
> like to know whether it is indeed true that "a fair proportion of 
> ecologists" feel that "humans ARE NOT part of nature". Comments on this 
> would be welcome.
> Bill Silvert 

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