
You do realize that Syngenta spends a large amount of money on websites and 
other media asserting that atrazine is safe and has no affect on wildlife or 
humans at ppb levels. There have also been law suits by 16 midwestern cities in 
six states suing Syngenta for water treatment costs to remove atrazine from 
drinking water. Lastly, Syngenta cannot sell atrazine in the home of its 
corporate headquarters, Switzerland, as the EU has banned the use of atrazine 
as a herbicide. Obviously, there are quite a few people on the other side of 
this issue also.

Jim Novak

On Apr 11, 2011, at 10:11 PM, Paul Cherubini wrote:

> Judith S. Weis wrote:
>> Regarding atrazine -so you choose to believe Syngenta, the manufacturer of
>> the chemical, rather than a highly respected university scientist (who has
>> nothing to gain) who has published his work in the most prestigious
>> journals? I don't!!
> Judith, I provided this link:
> in which both independent scientists and government
> regulators around the world question Hayes' Frog Study
> Data, hence many of them have not acted on his findings.
> This frog vs atrazine case is relevant to the current
> thread because it demonstrates, in my opinion, that 
> university scientists have more of a credibility problem
> in the eyes of the public, industry and regulators rather 
> than communications problem.  
> Paul Cherubini

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