Course coverage from the AP Biology web page:
-Molecules and Cells, 25%
-Heredity and Evolution, 25%
-Organisms and Populations, 50%
Generally, high school AP classes have more contact hours than the
corresponding college-level course so I do not think that they would drop
content, but that of course would be teacher/school-dependent.



On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 9:33 PM, Corbin, Jeffrey D. <corb...@union.edu>wrote:

> Hello Ecologgers - My department is trying to figure out how to best
> assign credit to incoming students who get 4's and 5's on the AP Biology
> exam. One proposal is to give them credit for the first class in our Intro
> Bio sequence, which happens to be the one that presents ecology (along with
> evolution and genetics).
> I suggested that this would be a mistake, as ecology is likely given short
> shrift in many high school classes because it is at the end of all of the
> textbooks. Quite reasonably, I've been challenged as to whether that is
> really the case.
> Does anyone know of any comparison of the weight given to various biology
> subjects (e.g. ecology, physiology, cell, etc.) in high school classes and
> the AP exam? I still have a suspicion that ecology is the most likely to be
> rushed or dropped, but maybe that's just because it is what happened when I
> took it. In any case, I'd be on firmer ground if I had even one piece of
> evidence to back it up!
> Thanks!
> -Jeff
> ***************************
> Jeffrey D. Corbin
> Department of Biological Sciences
> Union College
> Schenectady, NY 12308
> (518) 388-6097
> ***************************

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