Ditto that comment. What got my interest was the goals statement that the
individual wrote as part of their application. Not only was it
well-written, but it was right in line with the focus of my program. I
asked numerous faculty about it and decided to go out on a limb and give
the student the opportunity. Except for a lot of re-writing, the student
was the best I¹ve had. By the fourth manuscript, their writing was much


On 9/4/14, 7:55 AM, "Judith S. Weis" <jw...@andromeda.rutgers.edu> wrote:

>Yes, but....
>I have had a number of foreign students who could not write English very
>well and I had to do a lot of re-writing on their dissertations - but the
>research itself was excellent and we produced many publications. Just more
>work on the major professor's part.
>> I agree with this assessment - especially since some small liberal arts
>> colleges engage in grade inflation - GPA's are not always reliable.  I
>> think there is considerable value to the GRE scores and having a minimum
>> is useful.  Above that, scores vary widely and are not always predictive
>> of ultimate success.  The most important thing that should be assessed -
>> and the GREs do not do an adequate job here - is writing ability.  Even
>> mediocre students can complete a research project and muddle through the
>> data analysis, but when it comes to writing, the grain and chafe fall
>> into two distinct piles. The worse thing you can do for your career is
>> to take on mediocre students with poor writing skills.  If a project is
>> never published then it will count for zero to your CV and career
>> development.  I suggest getting the student to send you a writing
>> sample, or evaluate their writing skills based on the materials they
>> have submitted.
>> Mitch Cruzan
>> On 9/3/2014 6:07 AM, Gary Grossman wrote:
>>> I think that we all look at this issue from a personal perspective,
>>> especially those that did well on standardized tests,  and I've had
>>> same argument with colleagues for 30 years, including the exact same
>>> situation where the student was up for a competitive assistantship with
>>> a
>>> mediocre GRE score and a senior-authored publication in an
>>> journal. You don't tell us how low the score was and I'd be concerned
>>> it
>>> was a low quantitative score, because grad students need to have a good
>>> quantitative background.  But for researchers, publications are the
>>> quo non and render a low GRE score moot, provided the student actually
>>> earned the senior authorship (we don't have that info either and I view
>>> senior authorship differently than junior authorship, especially if
>>> there
>>> are more than two authors).  The one valid argument that the "keepers
>>> the gates" regarding the GRE is that it is the one evaluator that is
>>> equivalent across all applications,i.e., as faculty we don't have the
>>> time
>>> to evaluate if an A at Furman University is the equivalent of an A at
>>> Chapel Hill. But in the end I've found that the GRE isn't very
>>> indicative
>>> of performance by a researcher (I mean really, how could it be, it
>>> contains
>>> no information on motivation, persistence, intuition or many other
>>> characteristics that great researchers have). In fact, I've seen some
>>> the biggest flops as graduate students come from students with very
>>> GRE scores --- they just happen to be good at taking standardized tests
>>> but
>>> not necessarily at research.  My own story -- I took the GRE in 1975
>>> earned somewhere between 1150 and 1190 can't remember exactly, but I do
>>> remember it was a mediocre score. I have 110+ journal articles,
>>> including
>>> multiple papers in Am. Nat, Ecology, Ecol. Monogr, Oecologia,
>>> Biol. etc. The math is pretty easy to do <g>.  cheers, g2
>>> On Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 2:03 PM, Alex M. L
>>> wrote:
>>>> Last weekend I got into a long discussion on the value of GRE score in
>>>> a
>>>> PhD
>>>> student. As the 2015 applicants start, I open up the discussion to the
>>>> community:
>>>> I have a female student that has both a Masters (thesis) and
>>>> publication
>>>> with
>>>> several years research experience. However, her GRE score are quite
>>>> poor.
>>>> Should I really pass up a seemingly great applicant because of low
>>>> scores?
>>>> If a student has a biology Masters or a publication... do GRE scores
>>>> matter?
>>>> Have we not moved past GRE scores when picking the next round of PhD
>>>> researchers for our lab(s)?
>>>> If you have a personal story of low scores and still attaining your
>>>> or
>>>> accepting a similar student... I would love to hear from you!
>>>> Cheers!
>>>> Alex M.L
>> --
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Mitch Cruzan
>> Professor of Biology
>> Portland State University
>> Department of Biology, SRTC rm 246, PO Box 751
>> Portland, OR 97207 USA
>> http://web.pdx.edu/~cruzan/
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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