Roy posted the question:

"The problem is that once they setup a quantity for a given day,
it will never be changed, Or resent.?Any additional EDI received
will only be a new requirement.  That means that I can have values
from several different EDI transmissions which all may contain
valid data.?Their will not be any One Transmission that will
have "Everything"."

Roy - you must be in the auto industry.  If so welcome to the wonderful world of
RAN numbers.
We currently use this proccess for a net based ordering system (on the 862
document) and we
use the 830 (Planning Schedule) for the forecasting (going off of a CUMmuluative

A RAN is a release authorization number (kinda of like a PO Number) that gets
when demand is needed.  The best business practice is to send the 862 as an
original (BSS-01
equals a 00).  This method is used best with KANBAN orders (card scanning -
orders on demand)
and with multiple orders sent out during the day.

In most cases - the RAN or PO number will be sent on the barcode, this way the
side can adjust the open quantity against that RAN/PO.  This number will then
appear on
the check sent out to you.

Let me tell you that sending them as an original is the best way - we have been
862's as a replace and has caused mass confusion - the TP's will sometimes
double ship
because they might have orders in transit and we send them the open order - so
they reopen
it.  With an original - your system will track the shiping again that order, and
there is
less confusion.

Let me know if you have specifics that I might be able to help you out with.

Kristian Bryant
Autoliv ASP

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