I'm not sure exactly which barcode info you need over there, but you might
want to look at LIN (Line Item), PIA (Additional product ID)IMD (Item
description), GIN (Goods Identity number) and PCI (Package Identification).
I think GIN is the one you're looking for - with the appropriate qualifiers.

-----Original Message-----
From: Meyer, Christina [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 16 February 2000 19:02

I have recently been asked by our application department to request our
customers to send bar code information in the DESADV document.  We currently
have that situation in the X12 856 document where the customer sends a CLD
segment with elements 1,2, and 3 filled in and an REF segment following with
element 1 equal to LS and element 2 equal to the serial number.  Can anyone
tell me what the corresponding Edifact segments and elements are that need
to be used?


Christina Meyer
The Timken Company

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