
It's been my experience that most any translator can map most any X12
document.  The HIPAA-mandated health care documents aren't really different,
just more complex because of the sophisticated business rules behind the
documents.  The ability to map and translate these documents is, of course,
an important requirement for your business but I think that you'll find that
this is a common feature among translators.  I've used GENTRAN:Server for
Windows NT to map all of the HIPAA-mandated X12 documents and have used
Foresight's TradeSite product to create an 837 online form to produce
documents in the HIPAA format.  The products served different end business
goals and had very different mapping engines, but I had no difficulty
producing HIPAA compliant documents in either case.

I recommend that you expand your list of requirements to narrow your list of
product choices.  If you have special requirements, such as the ability to
process HL7 documents or any proprietary format in addition to the X12
documents, I would recommend that you spec these requirements out to the
software vendors as you search for a product.  What is your preferred
platform?  What is the volume of documents that you will process?  I have
found that volume is a huge factor with health care processing because the
documents are already large themselves and many companies fail to consider
this in their choice of translator.

Good luck with your search.  Please let me know if I can be of any more


Susan Thompson
Senior EDI Consultant/EC Consultant
REMEDI Consulting Company
96 Northwoods Blvd.
Columbus, OH  43235
614.486.4527 Home Office
614.571.8832 Cellular

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Electronic Data Interchange Issues
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of ruben zagagi
> Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2000 7:15 PM
> Subject:
> This has probably been asked before, but I would like any
> opinions on what edi
> translators are available that support healthcare, including X12/HIPAA.  I
> know about PaperFree and Harbinger, but would like pros and cons
> on others,
> such as Mercator, St Paul, STC or others.
> Thanks
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