I love this...it's perfect XMLvaporspeak.

First we have:
"I cannot foresee anything standardizing
> the content of documents for all market types (electronics, health,
> transportation, etc.) for all tax environments in every country. It just
> ain't gonna happen!!"
Then we have:
"We just need some guidelines, templates, standards, whatever you want to
> call them that everyone follows to make the whole process flow smoothly."
Sounds like standardization to me.  As far as "everyone follows", well,
that's the history of EDI.  Not everyone follows.  Some because they cannot
and some because they will not and many because they should not. I know
that what is meant here is not one global standard, but rather industry
groups, but we still see the same thing.  There will continue to be the
gorillas who set their own standards.  And for companies like the one I work
for who have trading partners in many industry groups, the proliferation of
standards continues.

Howard Parks
1 Peter 4:10

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