Sorry folks.
I *really was* going to let this go.
Now it's the end of a long day and I just couldn't .... well you decide ..

HEY RICHARD ..... since you want to talk about web sites instead of EDI, is
it true is running Netscape-Enterprise/3.6 SP3 on Solaris  says you
do ...

eh'm ...
anyway back to regularily scheduled EDI and this newslist ....


-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Druckenmiller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2000 10:08 PM
Subject: Re: XML Mapper

I can only assume that you work for based on your email
address.  Did you know your site ( uses
Microsoft-IIS/5.0 on Windows 2000?  I am not sure what the best solution
is for cleaning coffee of your keyboard after you spit it up on your
screen.  Reminds me of the tower fly by scene in the movie Top Gun.
It's all down hill below from here my friend:

"Welsh, David" wrote:
> sorry, but I couldn't resist this morning :
> 1. if I may be so bold on Rachel's part, her point seems to be you can
> go to Microsoft for BizTalk. Isn't this why Dept of Justice is trying to
> bust us MS ?

I did not understand your question - MS is being tried because they
don't offer more than one solution?!? What does the MS Antitrust case
have anything to do with how bad/good their technology is???  I thought
that Clinton/Gore's Dept of Justice just hated success.  Your and my
opinion of 125 year old Sherman Antitrust law is no better or worse than
Thomas P. Jackson's - it's just that he is in a position of authority
over this case and we are not.

> 2. re., they're one of the most fervant Unix shops anywhere,
> particularily on the store front and back store ops. MS isn't even a heavy
> word in their IT vocabulary. I don't even think they use MS Exchange.

I did NOT say they did use MS technology.  My point was that someone
with a technology that can adapt more quickly than their competitor will
win.  BTW, these sites use MS technology,,,,,,,, and

> 3. "MS lightyears ahead of the crowd with DNA", ... eh'm ..... well if you
> could substantiate that against other concepts (something like comparing
> apples and oranges maybe) then  I think you're up against some pretty deep
> discussion.
> 4. isn't Biztalk just Beta and not scheduled to come production for
> year ?? Do you like playing with such raw code, something even MS doesn't
> say is street production ready ?

Price you pay of being on the cutting edge.  Effective change is brought
about by those willing to stick their neck out.

> 5. a browser (for a human being) is your idea of a thin client !??
> Application integration ? Sorry but I thought we were discussing EDI ?
> 6. contests ?? OK, let's see MS play inside of an ebXML Proof of Concept
> since the rest of the world is looking that way.
I'd be leery of anything that came out of the UN and what the "rest of
the world" is doing.

> Time for my morning coffee.
I'v already jagged you once about coffee - although tempting...won't do
it again.


> Dave
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Richard Druckenmiller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 10:11 PM
> Subject: Re: XML Mapper
> The original question did not specify it had to be platform
> independent.  Biztalk does not require IIS.  It only runs on Windows
> 2000 Server. It is a service like IIS.  Biztalk will become a part of
> Back Office similar to IIS and Exchange.
> I'll assume one of your "strong holds" about a mapper is platform
> independence.  Platform independence is "markettechture".  I am a
> Mercator expert and I have never had the need to port or develop a map
> that would run concurrently on Unix, DOS, Windows, Linux, blah, blah,
> blah.  As a sidebar I would only be hindering myself as a corporation by
> having this hodge podge - that is if I cared about competition.  IMHO -
> if you are one of these companies who has a hodge podge of OS' around
> then someone with Windows DNA is going to eat your supply chain's
> lunch.  This is epitomized by over taking the Book Industry
> overnight.  Their competitors can't turn on a dime because of their
> hodge podge non-distributed infrastructure.
> Furthermore, Microsoft is light years ahead of the crowd with their
> Windows DNA architecture, of which Biztalk and XML play a small integral
> part and includes Visual, while others are still plumbing and
> fumbling around on the Net with Java (I personally like to code but not
> 50 lines to 1 - law of diminishing returns you know).  Biztalk is also a
> client that is a COM compliant object that sits in my registry on
> Windows 9x/2000 clients.  I can call Biztalk's properties and methods
> from with Internet Explorer (IE), pass XML over the wire, and not even
> open Biztalk, and I ain't paying $50,000+ bucks to do so.  Furthermore,
> I can use Biztalk Server to send/receive/map X12 and EDIFACT.  COM
> compliance is about designing your application with an API into it out
> of the box - not as an after thought.
> IE is THE thin client.  What Larry Ellison and dumpster diving entourage
> are trying to do with Thin Client, Microsoft has been doing with IE for
> years.  Besides why buy a terminal that you can't play games on?
> Let's have a contest: develop and Windows DNA B2B and B2C website vs.
> whatever other cruft is out there.  I'll use the Microsoft suite of dev
> tools and we will judge it on time to market, price and performance.
> Hope this starts a religious discussion - I'm kind of sick of this
> sluggish IT economy, especially here in Atlanta.
> Thus saith the Lord Gates,
> -RD
> Rachel Foerster wrote:
> >
> > Richard,
> >
> > I may be mistaken, but doesn't Biztalk have to run under IIS? It's
> > certainly not platform independent.
> >
> > Rachel
> >
> > I would consider Biztalk.  Download the beta for free at
> >
> >
> > --
> > Richard Druckenmiller
> >
> > Mike Mueller wrote:
> > >
> > > Greetings -
> > >
> > > We are in need of a tool that can map XML to a segmented-fixed flat
> > file format
> > > (that is, multiple records but each record can have a different
> > number of
> > > fields).  We don't necessarily need an all inclusive any-to-any
> > mapper, just
> > > something that can map.  The ideal product would be able to import a
> > DTD or
> > > schema and create a document tree from which you could map.  Is
> > anyone aware of
> > > such a tool?  All answers appreciated !!
> > >
> > > Mike Mueller
> > > MGIC
> > >
> > >
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> Richard Druckenmiller
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Richard Druckenmiller

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