I knew I should have removed the word "simply" from my spelling checker, to
stop me using it :)

Seriously though, there are some EDI implementations that are very simple.
Day in, day out many companies receive orders and send invoices without
any problems.

However, there are those projects where things do change.  For example, a
customer of eProsper sends data to us to be converted into EDI invoices for
some of their customers, and printed invoices to be mailed for their non EDI
customers.  3 weeks after going live and large numbers of printed test
documents being signed off.  They turned around and said "Ohhh we forgot
something, could you add this into the printed invoice", it was done within
day.  4 weeks after going live "Errr, we need a message at the bottom of the
Invoice".  5 weeks after going live "Ohhh we want to be able to print
Merry Christmas to our customers on the Invoice".

Since the "Merry Christmas" change we have not heard a peep from them,
I can't wait for Easter, only joking.

3 changes in as many weeks, and because it was a service there were no trips
on site, no expenses and no problems allocating resource.

Ian Crawford
Web : www.eprosper.co.uk
eProsper Ltd.

----- Original Message -----
From: Lee LoFrisco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 1:54 PM
Subject: RE: Need input on quality EDI products.

> Wow!  You were doing fine until you wrote *simply*.  That just does not
> exist unless you never, ever, have to change anything.
> Let's take a look at a more realistic scenario where rules and needs
> constantly change.

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