
I believe Ms. Foerster has struck a deep truth: XML-based applications, with
their "human readable" attributes, are easier to debug, making XML an ideal
medium for the mediocre who wish to proclaim their expertise in E-anything
and put "consultant" on their business cards.

In these tiny minds, efficiency is not measured in wasted bandwidth or
per-character communications charges;rather, it is measured by how quickly
one can increase their hourly billing rate.

(OK, so I'm a dinosaur. But ask yourself this: "Who gets the prime real
estate in the museum?")

Michael Mattias
Tal Systems
Racine WI USA

----- Original Message -----
From: Rachel Foerster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 27, 2000 7:25 PM
Subject: Re: XML for EDI book: Any comments?

> Mark, et al,
> My example wasn't at all intended to be an epistle on the advantages
> of XML vx X12. From a pure efficiency perspective, we all know that
> X12 wins.
> ...Since XML is intended to be human readable
> Like it or not, XML is an avalanche coming down the mountain....

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